Get Involved

There are two ways you can help.

You can give your time or financially.
Both will go to support a better way forward for our students, teachers, and families. 


Make sure you sign up for our email list to get updates, newsletters and detailed volunteer opportunities. We will need help with various tasks including behind the scenes work at events, putting together mailers, setting up signs, knocking on doors, working the polls and much much more. We want you to bring your talents and time to Lauren for Leesburg!


All good campaigns ask for supporters to trust the mission and give financially. Lauren for Leesburg is counting on you! Every dollar will help us to get the word out and help to move the campaign forward. We can promise that every part of our campaign is built on the belief that we must do better for our kids, educators, and families and bring excellence back to our schools. Every donation brings us closer to that outcome. 

As an independent candidate, getting the word out will take a tremendous amount of support from the community.

We need your help to get across the finish line.

Join our mission to make a difference in our schools!
Get involved in our campaign or donate to support a better way forward for our students, teachers, and families.