My Platform


I am running on a Non-Partisan Platform that supports students, educators, and parents from all backgrounds, beliefs, and views.

The School Board is a Non-Partisan Governing Body that was created to serve the students, educators, and families of LCPS. It is my belief that Partisan Politics have polarized our community creating division and the pursuit of personal agendas. If we continue to vote in leaders that perpetuate these extreme views, on either side, our students will pay the price. My support of students, parents, and educators spans all backgrounds, beliefs, and political views and I want to represent all types of families.

When Elected I Will:

  1. Partner with Parents and Families

  2. Prioritize Student Safety and Learning

  3. Support our Educators

  4. Measure the impact of decisions on our schools and communities

  5. Establish Transparency and Accountability to build back Trust.

Right now a gap exists between the decisions being made and the actual impact on our schools.


My first hand knowledge of the school system IN LCPS sets me apart from any other candidate. We need someone who understands how decisions are made in this county and can ask essential questions at every turn. Issues will come and go, but the foundation of poor decision making and inexperienced leadership is what keeps creating problem after problem. We need to address the bigger issue, and that is that the system is broken. Political infighting and personnel that rarely step foot in our schools have created a fractured system where nothing of purpose is getting done. Parents are feeling unheard and angry, teachers are stressed, and the students have become collateral. We must try something new and I plan to offer a bridge toward that new way forward.

 At every decision I will ask: 

  • How does this benefit students? 

  • How does this support teachers?

  • How will the community respond? How can they give input? 



Focus on Student Safety and Focus on Academic Excellence

Student safety will be my top priority. Students need to feel safe in order for learning to occur. I will support policies that protect ALL students as well as help to re-prioritize access to quality core instruction. I will also work to get back to the basics of core academics- reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. We must find a way to reprioritize access to academic excellence for all students. We especially need to understand and address the achievement gaps for students in Special Education, the English Language Learners, and the Economically Disadvantaged.

Support Educators, Streamline Initiatives, Data Driven Decisions

One of the many advantages to working in classrooms is my first hand knowledge of how the decisions at the School Board Level are impacting the educators and students. The majority of teachers are overwhelmed right now. They are dealing with added testing and initiatives. There are simply not enough minutes in the day to teach the required curriculum and that is something I want to address. We need to review all the requirements for teachers and re-prioritize and remove some of those requirements so that they can better manage their day to day teaching. We need to recommit to quality CORE instruction and offer support for teachers to re-establish and maintain high expectations for all students. 

Help Support the Transition in Literacy Curriculum

An evaluation of current literacy practices is already in motion as the county looks to align more closely with the Science of Reading Research and Virginia Literacy Act . As a current Literacy Coach in several schools across the district I have first hand experience with what is being taught through our curriculum. You cannot know where you are going without fully understanding where you have been and I can provide that bridge. I plan to bring stakeholders together and make sure all voices are heard before a new rollout can occur. We evaluate current practices and be diligent filling gaps that exist. We need to transition well so that teachers feel supported and students receive the highest quality instruction that meets their needs. Implementation and Fidelity are key to making this transition in best practices a success. 

Re-evaluate the Grading Policy and Cell Phone Usage, Dress Code

Policy 5030 on Assessment and Grading is a topic that continually comes up in my conversations with educators and parents. I would like to re-visit the components of this policy- particularly in regards to retakes and how and when that might be necessary. Cell phone usage is another topic that I hear about in schools, including elementary school. I would like to examine the impact of cell phone usage in school on both learning and safety. In addition, in speaking with many teachers, the lack of enforcement of a dress code as well as a lack of specifics within the current dress code has become a distraction from teaching and learning. I would like to re-visit this policy and see if positive changes can be made and more consistently enforced.

Support for the Arts

The recent budget included stipends to fund the arts fully in LCPS middle and high schools, helping to work towards equitability in comparison to other programs, particularly athletics. However a gap still exists with access to arts in elementary school. Next school year there will be a reduction of instructional minutes in music, as well as a lack of stipends for elementary arts activities outside of school. I am hopeful that this will continue to be a priority- but not just for our secondary students. My husband and I were both band kids and participated in the Marching Band. I know first hand the power of the arts to be able to create discipline, hard work, creativity, and an avenue for those of us who did not participate in athletics. Not to mention the mental health benefits that are offered through these communities. We are Loudoun County, we have a 1.6 BILLION dollar budget, we can support the arts at all levels and athletics equitably. 

Routine Town Halls and Focus Groups

One of the biggest concerns I have with the current board is their lack of transparency, accountability, and communication. I believe routine town halls as well as focus groups where there is dialogue around the decisions being made will help to strengthen the relationship between the board and the public. There is a need for a time of healing and this is a way to build back trust. My platform is built on the people who matter most, our families, students and teachers and engaging you is my highest priority.

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